Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Assassin's Creed 2

OK, this is the first game to be reviewed here since it is the most recent game that I finished.

Game: Assassin's Creed 2

Overview: Assassin's Creed 2 is the second game in a series of action/adventure games in which the player takes on the role of an assassin. The game was released by Ubisoft on 11/17/09 and is rated M.

Gameplay 9/10:
If you played the first Assassin's Creed, you can easily pick up Assassin's Creed 2. AC2 has basically the same control scheme as AC1 for running/climbing/fighting. These are very fluid controls and did not need to be changed at all, so it is good that the developers left these alone. Combat is basically the same as well. It includes countering, dodging, etc., but AC2 brings in new weapons such as the pistol and dual hidden blades for double assassinations.

Health is not automatically regained in AC2 as it was in AC1. Now, you have to buy, yes, buy, medicine. There is a monetary system built into the game. You collect Florins for completing parts of the game as well as looting dead bodies or completing side missions.

Instead of side quests, AC2 offers small side missions that do not really impact the main story, but offer some filler for people who want to keep running around killing guards. These side missions include beating up cheating husbands, racing thieves, and delivering letters. Other side missions are more important like Assassin's Tombs and Assassination Contracts. There are six Assassin's Tombs throughout the game and finding and navigating through all of them will net you Altair's armor. Assassination Contracts are just as they sound: contract killings that you carry out for fun... errr.. money.

Since there is a monetary system in AC2, there must be things to buy. You can buy better armor, for one. Better armor gets you more health; however, armor doesn't last forever when jumping from buildings, so you have to get it repaired from time to time. Other things you can buy are paintings. What good are paintings? Well, you have a villa in AC2. Yes, a villa. The more money you put into renovating the villa and surrounding town, you get more people to come to it and thereby earn yourself a nice income.

Blending is a major part of Assassin's Creed. Be seen, but unseen. To blend with the crowd, you just have to walk amongst the people. Your character will blend automatically if there are at least two people that are walking in a group. This is especially helpful when trying to get by guards. I, personally, think it was easier to blend in AC1 by just holding a button, but you could be seen if the guards were too curious. So, I guess I'll compromise on that point.

So to sum up gameplay: Everything about AC2 is stellar; however, they could have done better with combat and some other minor things. Overall? 9/10

Graphics: 10/10

One word: Wow. The cities in AC2 are amazingly detailed. I have been to most of the cities that Ezio visits and I must say that Ubisoft did an amazing job of detailing the cities and the major landmarks to how they look in real life. Also, the proportions and layouts match wonderfully to what the cities actually look like. Your character is also greatly detailed; however, the greatest parts about the graphics are the small things. The realism of the character in the water (yes, you can swim now) is amazing. You are actually soaking wet when you exit the water and are dripping everywhere.

Sound: 7.5/10

Nothing jumps out when it comes to sound in this game. I can't even remember what the music sounds like. That's how much of an impression it made. I do know; however, that there is a lot less commenting from the crowd about you climbing random objects. In AC1, everytime you climb a building, the crowd would flip out and you would get at least one audible comment. In AC2, not as much, but it's still annoying. The sound isn't the best, but that's not the focus of the game.

Story: 10/10

The easiest way to tell a good story is to ask yourself: If this were a movie, would I go see it? The answer? Yes, yes, yes! The story is very intricate, so it would take some time to detail. The use of the first game in the series and the way it ties into the second is brilliant. You'll have to actually play the game to learn the story, but I guarantee that it is worth it.

Originality: 10/10

Uhh... Who else has a game like this? NO ONE. Prince of Persia is probably the closest game to it, so mad props to Ubisoft for making one of their best original games since Rayman 2. That's just my opinion, but I'm a fan of the original Rayman games (not the stupid new ones).

Replayability 8.5/10

Again, you have to ask yourself: Would you play this game again? For me? Yes and no. I love the game, don't get me wrong, but the game is long enough that I wouldn't want to start from the beginning again necessarily; however, I will still start it up just to run around Venice and kick the crap out of some guards :)

Multiplayer: I wish...

Final Score: 55/60 or 9.2

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